Guaranteed Gambling: a new online gambling resource – Part 2
I had to postpone royalcitycasino.com’s launch because I had some new orders coming in at myeasyscripts.com, my main venture; and when I say main I mean priority. Anyways, one of the sites I just delivered grabbed my attention, and no I am not saying that because its one my biggest customers’ site. What I liked about it and thought kinda ‘innovating’ is the fact that he is giving away an ebook, and not just any ebook, The Rich Jerk’s ebook, which is right now the best selling ebook based on clickbank’s affiliates. This new cocktail of viral and incentive marketing should bring results pretty soon on which I will try to keep you updated.
In the meantime check it out, not to get the ebook (but you can still get it if you want, hehe..), but to see for yourself this new way of selling downloadable products. In my personal opinion, royalcitycasino.com’s owner, Alex Goad just found a new internet gold-mine. You know as well as I do how ebooks are selling over the internet, so go figure how much money he will be generating giving away this ebook using incentive marketing.
Now back to Guaranteed Gambling. I am expecting to be launching no later than next Tuesday, I will keep updating the blog until then no matter what. Wait for the new casino affiliate programs reviews and the part 2 of Casino Affiliate Secrets: revealed!