Guaranteed Gambling: a new online gambling resource – Part 1
Ok, you must have all heard of royalcitycasino.com, the site I am currently building and the reason for this blog to exist. Today am going to explain what makes Guaranteed Gambling a unique in its genre online gambling resource, its business model.
royalcitycasino.com is a new concept site whereby new players are sent to premium casino venues to introduce them to online gambling in a beginner friendly environment full of useful information, tips and reviews.
royalcitycasino.com is dedicated to the player experience, and in such the premium venues listed on the site are categorized and with full descriptions.
We believe that in order to complete this player experience, the addition
of player reviews are an essential step. In order to build this database,
we will offer interested players the possibility of earning a $50 cash
bonus for signing up to one of our featured casinos. This bonus will be
issued approximately 50 days after the player completed his sign up and
conditional to the player completing a player review of his casino
experience. This review includes several key fields and a custom review
written by the player.
The reviews gathered will be listed in the space reserved on
royalcitycasino.com to each particular casino and all information will be made available to the casino in question on demand.
Our objective in doing this is to further the mission of Guaranteed
Gambling which is to introduce new players to online gambling
in a secure environment where they have access to large quantities of
pertinent information on which to base their gambling choices. We
believe that this will make of Guaranteed Gambling the destination of
choice for people to initiate themselves to online gambling while
delivering a very high percentage of high quality new players to
participating venues.
The other bonus structure we employ is the following. For every review bonus claimed by players for a participating casino, we put aside $25 to be drawn as a second chance deposit. For example, in a given month, 5 players claim their $50 review bonus for CASINO X. GuaranteedGambling.com will put aside 5 times $25 for a total of $125. This bonus will then be attributed to the player amongst the 5 that made the biggest initial deposit to Casino X.
So what do you personally think that? Now that you learned more about my new venture, feel free to comment and share your opinions.